I know it indeed has been a while since we have posted anything and this year much has indeed happened since we last posted. I pray we have been diligent and have been praying and studying the scriptures with urgency. I believe dearly beloved we are indeed closer to the coming of our Lord and savior than when we first believed. Look at the recent news that has been happening wars and rumors of wars. Deadly massacres on large proportions we see the thoughts of men are only evil continually. This resembles pre-flood as well as the time during Sodom and Gomorrah judgements God issued to the wicked. I pray we be not overtaken by the overmastering deception of the father of lies. December 21st 2012 is indeed this Friday and many will be disappointed that Christ didn't come but rather the false prophecies of a people who worshipped the sun and committed human sacrifices. Satan may have revealed some false plan or prophecy to deceive many we cannot know until that day. One thing is for sure if nothing does happen we can count on many even becoming more wicked saying where is the promise of His coming. We must be settled into the truth both spiritually and intellectually knowing His commandments are truth especially the seventh day sabbath Saturday. Eyes on Jesus brethren and stay tuned for more updates prayerfully more regularly. You can catch us on twitter @ elderjohnsonsr or on YouTube @ Elijah messenjer God bless you and Maranatha!