Let us eat our spiritual food as verily we do our temporal food. Neglect not scripture study, no matter how tired, or so called busy. This will hae eternal consequence. Let us be now wise unto salvation.
Excerpt taken from compilation: To be like Jesus; author E.G. White
That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, ... but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ. Ephesians 4:14, 15, NKJV. {BLJ 115.1}
To Be Like Jesus, p. 115.2 (EGW)
The Lord calls upon all His people to improve the ability He has given them. The mental powers should be developed to the utmost; they should be strengthened and ennobled by dwelling upon spiritual truths. If the mind is allowed to run almost entirely upon trifling things and the common business of everyday life, it will, in accordance with one of its unvarying laws, become weak and frivolous, and deficient in spiritual power. {BLJ 115.2}
To Be Like Jesus, p. 115.3 (EGW)
Times that will try our souls are just before us, and those who are weak in the faith will not stand the test of those days of peril. The great truths of revelation are to be carefully studied, for we shall all want an intelligent knowledge of the Word of God. By Bible study and daily communion with Jesus we shall gain clear, well-defined views of individual responsibility and strength to stand in the day of trial and temptation. He whose life is united to Christ by hidden links will be kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. {BLJ 115.3}
To Be Like Jesus, p. 115.4 (EGW)
More thought should be given to the things of God, and less to temporal matters. The world-loving professors, if they will exercise their minds in that direction, may become as familiar with the Word of God as they now are with worldly business. “Search the scriptures,” said Christ; “for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me.” {BLJ 115.4}
To Be Like Jesus, p. 115.5 (EGW)
The Christian is required to be diligent in searching the Scriptures, to read over and over again the truths of God’s Word. Willful ignorance on this subject endangers the Christian life and character. It blinds the understanding and corrupts the noblest powers. It is this that brings confusion into our lives. Our people need to understand the oracles of God; they need to have a systematic knowledge of the principles of revealed truth, which will fit them for what is coming upon the earth and prevent them from being carried about by every wind of doctrine.—Testimonies for the Church 5:272, 273. {BLJ 115.5}
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said,
"How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him."
And the people answered him not a word.
I Kings 18:21
And the people answered him not a word.
I Kings 18:21
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Listlessness and lazziness a trick of the enemy!
These below quotes show that we can be and yet indeed have been tricked by the father of lies. We all at some time and yet maybe even now have been affected by this attitude. Many are preoccupied with the cares of this life and money seeking, even though we are told the love of all money is the root of all evil. Let us now awake and "look to the hills from whence cometh out help our help cometh from the Lord." God can and will deliver us from our stupor and laziness in studying His word, praying and sharing this special gospel present truth! Be blessed Maranatha!
Elijah Evangelist
From the book Christian Service p. 37:
Satan is now seeking to hold God’s people in a state of inactivity, to keep them from acting their part in spreading the truth, that they may at last be weighed in the balance and found wanting.—Testimonies for the Church 1:260. {ChS 37.3}
Christian Service, p. 37.4 (EGW)
Men are in peril. Multitudes are perishing. But how few of the professed followers of Christ are burdened for these souls. The destiny of a world hangs in the balance; but this hardly moves even those who claim to believe the most far-reaching truth ever given to mortals. There is a lack of that love which led Christ to leave His heavenly home and take man’s nature, that humanity might touch 38humanity, and draw humanity to divinity. There is a stupor, a paralysis, upon the people of God, which prevents them from understanding the duty of the hour.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 303. {ChS 37.4}
Christian Service, p. 38.1 (EGW)
Satan uses the listless, sleepy indolence of professed Christians to strengthen his forces and win souls to his side. Many who think that though they are doing no actual work for Christ, they are yet on His side, are enabling the enemy to pre-occupy ground and gain advantages. By their failure to be diligent workers for the Master, by leaving duties undone and words unspoken, they have allowed Satan to gain control of souls who might have been won for Christ.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 280. {ChS 38.1}
Christian Service, p. 38.2 (EGW)
When I study the Scriptures, I am alarmed for the Israel of God in these last days. They are exhorted to flee from idolatry. I fear that they are asleep, and so conformed to the world that it would be difficult to discern between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not. The distance is widening between Christ and His people, and lessening between them and the world. The marks of distinction between Christ’s professed people and the world have almost disappeared. Like ancient Israel, they follow after the abominations of the nations around them.—Testimonies for the Church 1:277. {ChS 38.2} {Written by E.G. White}
Elijah Evangelist
From the book Christian Service p. 37:
Satan is now seeking to hold God’s people in a state of inactivity, to keep them from acting their part in spreading the truth, that they may at last be weighed in the balance and found wanting.—Testimonies for the Church 1:260. {ChS 37.3}
Christian Service, p. 37.4 (EGW)
Men are in peril. Multitudes are perishing. But how few of the professed followers of Christ are burdened for these souls. The destiny of a world hangs in the balance; but this hardly moves even those who claim to believe the most far-reaching truth ever given to mortals. There is a lack of that love which led Christ to leave His heavenly home and take man’s nature, that humanity might touch 38humanity, and draw humanity to divinity. There is a stupor, a paralysis, upon the people of God, which prevents them from understanding the duty of the hour.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 303. {ChS 37.4}
Christian Service, p. 38.1 (EGW)
Satan uses the listless, sleepy indolence of professed Christians to strengthen his forces and win souls to his side. Many who think that though they are doing no actual work for Christ, they are yet on His side, are enabling the enemy to pre-occupy ground and gain advantages. By their failure to be diligent workers for the Master, by leaving duties undone and words unspoken, they have allowed Satan to gain control of souls who might have been won for Christ.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 280. {ChS 38.1}
Christian Service, p. 38.2 (EGW)
When I study the Scriptures, I am alarmed for the Israel of God in these last days. They are exhorted to flee from idolatry. I fear that they are asleep, and so conformed to the world that it would be difficult to discern between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not. The distance is widening between Christ and His people, and lessening between them and the world. The marks of distinction between Christ’s professed people and the world have almost disappeared. Like ancient Israel, they follow after the abominations of the nations around them.—Testimonies for the Church 1:277. {ChS 38.2} {Written by E.G. White}
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Be not weary in well doing!
Wherefore “let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9.
Indeed it's been a while since I have posted, but keep the faith brethren that was once delivered to the saints. God is faithful and we must be also!
Excerpt taken from the book Welfare Ministry written by Ellen White:
In Doing for Others We Are Doing for Christ—From what has been shown me, Sabbathkeepers are growing more selfish as they increase in riches. Their love for Christ and His people is decreasing. They do not see the wants of the needy, nor feel their sufferings and sorrows. They do not realize that in neglecting the poor and the suffering they neglect Christ, and that in relieving the wants and sufferings of the poor as far as possible, they minister to Jesus.... {WM 39.3}
Welfare Ministry, p. 39.4 (EGW)
“Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was an hungred, and ye gave Me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave Me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in: naked, and ye clothed Me not: sick, and in 40prison, and ye visited Me not. Then shall they also answer Him, saying, Lord, when saw we Thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto Thee? Then shall He answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did not to Me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” Matthew 25:41-46. {WM 39.4}
Welfare Ministry, p. 40.1 (EGW)
Jesus here identifies Himself with His suffering people. It was I who was hungry and thirsty. It was I who was a stranger. It was I who was naked. It was I who was sick. It was I who was in prison. When you were enjoying the food from your bountifully spread tables, I was famishing in the hovel or street not far from you. When you closed your doors against Me, while your well-furnished rooms were unoccupied, I had not where to lay My head. Your wardrobes were filled with an abundant supply of changeable suits of apparel, upon which means had been needlessly squandered, which you might have given to the needy. I was destitute of comfortable apparel. When you were enjoying health, I was sick. Misfortune cast Me into prison and bound me with fetters, bowing down My spirit, depriving Me of freedom and hope, while you roamed free. What a oneness Jesus here expresses as existing between Himself and His suffering disciples! He makes their case His own. He identifies Himself as being in person the very sufferer. Mark, selfish Christian: every neglect of the needy poor, the orphan, the fatherless, is a neglect of Jesus in their person. {WM 40.1}
Welfare Ministry, p. 40.2 (EGW)
I am acquainted with persons who make a high profession, whose hearts are so encased in self-love and selfishness that they cannot appreciate what I am 41writing. They have all their lives thought and lived only for self. To make a sacrifice to do others good, to disadvantage themselves to advantage others, is out of the question with them. They have not the least idea that God requires this of them. Self is their idol. Precious weeks, months, and years pass into eternity, but they have no record in heaven of kindly acts, of sacrificing for others’ good, of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or taking in the stranger. This entertaining strangers at a venture is not agreeable. If they knew that all who sought to share their bounty were worthy, then they might be induced to do something in this direction. But there is virtue in venturing something. Perchance we may entertain angels.—Testimonies for the Church 2:24. {WM 40.2}
Blessings to all, have a blessed Sabbath!
Indeed it's been a while since I have posted, but keep the faith brethren that was once delivered to the saints. God is faithful and we must be also!
Excerpt taken from the book Welfare Ministry written by Ellen White:
In Doing for Others We Are Doing for Christ—From what has been shown me, Sabbathkeepers are growing more selfish as they increase in riches. Their love for Christ and His people is decreasing. They do not see the wants of the needy, nor feel their sufferings and sorrows. They do not realize that in neglecting the poor and the suffering they neglect Christ, and that in relieving the wants and sufferings of the poor as far as possible, they minister to Jesus.... {WM 39.3}
Welfare Ministry, p. 39.4 (EGW)
“Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was an hungred, and ye gave Me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave Me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in: naked, and ye clothed Me not: sick, and in 40prison, and ye visited Me not. Then shall they also answer Him, saying, Lord, when saw we Thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto Thee? Then shall He answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did not to Me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” Matthew 25:41-46. {WM 39.4}
Welfare Ministry, p. 40.1 (EGW)
Jesus here identifies Himself with His suffering people. It was I who was hungry and thirsty. It was I who was a stranger. It was I who was naked. It was I who was sick. It was I who was in prison. When you were enjoying the food from your bountifully spread tables, I was famishing in the hovel or street not far from you. When you closed your doors against Me, while your well-furnished rooms were unoccupied, I had not where to lay My head. Your wardrobes were filled with an abundant supply of changeable suits of apparel, upon which means had been needlessly squandered, which you might have given to the needy. I was destitute of comfortable apparel. When you were enjoying health, I was sick. Misfortune cast Me into prison and bound me with fetters, bowing down My spirit, depriving Me of freedom and hope, while you roamed free. What a oneness Jesus here expresses as existing between Himself and His suffering disciples! He makes their case His own. He identifies Himself as being in person the very sufferer. Mark, selfish Christian: every neglect of the needy poor, the orphan, the fatherless, is a neglect of Jesus in their person. {WM 40.1}
Welfare Ministry, p. 40.2 (EGW)
I am acquainted with persons who make a high profession, whose hearts are so encased in self-love and selfishness that they cannot appreciate what I am 41writing. They have all their lives thought and lived only for self. To make a sacrifice to do others good, to disadvantage themselves to advantage others, is out of the question with them. They have not the least idea that God requires this of them. Self is their idol. Precious weeks, months, and years pass into eternity, but they have no record in heaven of kindly acts, of sacrificing for others’ good, of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or taking in the stranger. This entertaining strangers at a venture is not agreeable. If they knew that all who sought to share their bounty were worthy, then they might be induced to do something in this direction. But there is virtue in venturing something. Perchance we may entertain angels.—Testimonies for the Church 2:24. {WM 40.2}
Blessings to all, have a blessed Sabbath!
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